Jamboree Japan 2015

Monday, 5 May 2014

Car Boot - 5th May 14

On the May day bank holiday we decided to do a Car boot except we filled a trailer and our car- literally! There was only space for the driver and another passenger (me and my mum).

We'd handed out letters to our troups asking for all their unwanted stuff and we got an amazing response! I had just started linking to explorer scouts and the leader said if they donated something £2 would be knocked off their fee to go ice-skating.

On the day we got up at 5:00 and went to AKS (Arnold King Edwards School) as we drove there Jessie J's "Price Tag" came onto the radio, my mum turned up the volume so that it was blasting out and we sung it at the top of our voices, laughing at the irony of it.

I took us the best part of an hour to set everything up but within minutes of setting down the items they were being picked back up again to be handed over to a customer!

Me and my mum had come prepared with our travel mugs and "make in minutes" porridge so at about 8:00 we sat down to an alfresco breakfast in the sun.

Business was booming it was like everyone wanted to buy from us! My dad and my brother came to the car boot with some bacon butties and then we all had brunch- I don't think I've ever eaten so well especially because when we got home I had lunch too!

Even though the hours were slow and the wind was cold, I enjoyed it. Something about earning your own money is very satisfying.

At mid-day we felt the first few splashes of rain. Not as many people were coming to buy from us so we decided to pack up and we were done and dusted within 15 minutes but we still had a full trailer so we decided to do another car boot on the next bank holiday.

We volunteered to count up all the money and we made an amazing £480! which is £120 each- it's defiantly kick started our fund raising!

Sunday, 4 May 2014